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AZmed to Improve Pediatric and Emergency Radiology in Canada
AZmed is proud to announce a strategic partnership with UP centre for pediatric emergencies and Radiologie Dix30, positioning the two healthcare centers in Canada at the forefront of AI innovation. Through this partnership, AZtrauma*, an artificial intelligence (AI) solution for fracture detection, dislocations, and joint effusions, is now available for pediatric trauma and emergency radiology, bringing better diagnostic outcomes and improved workflow management.

Röntgeny vyhodnocuje v košickej univerzitnej nemocnici aj umelá inteligencia
KOŠICE. Univerzitná nemocnica L. Pasteura (UNLP) v Košiciach využíva na svojich urgentných príjmoch inovatívny softvér založený na umelej inteligencii (AI), ktorý urýchľuje diagnostiku zlomenín.
Systém, ktorý je v prevádzke niekoľko mesiacov, umožňuje rýchlejšie a presnejšie stanovenie diagnózy.
Ako informovala hovorkyňa nemocnice UNLP Monika Krišková, UNLP je prvou nemocnicou na Slovensku, ktorá začala túto novinku využívať na urgentných pracoviskách.

AZ Turnhout Expands Use of AZmed’s AI to Improve Radiology Diagnosis
The FDA-cleared and CE-certified AI solution for pediatrics and adults, AZtrauma, has been in use in AZ Turnhout’s radiology department for two years, helping clinicians identify bone fractures, joint effusions, and dislocations. Radiologists around the world are facing increasing pressure from rising imaging volumes, increasing case complexity, and a shrinking workforce. Missed fractures are among the most common diagnostic errors and result in delayed treatment and prolonged patient recovery. To address these challenges, AZtrauma integrates AI-powered detection into clinical workflows, ensuring faster and more accurate diagnoses, optimizing resources, and minimizing patient waiting times.
Optimize Your Workflow and Improve Quality of Care with AZmed
Discover the power of our AI Radiology Suite for X-rays today!